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Michigan Senate approves bill that would limit public health orders to 28 days

The Michigan Senate approved a bill capping public health emergency orders to a 28-day timeline, which would mirror the time restriction imposed on Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s executive orders.

Senate Bill 1253, sponsored by Sen. Lana Theis, R-Brighton, would amend the state’s Public Health Code to make emergency orders by Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Director Robert Gordon valid for only 28 days. He or a future director could request extensions of orders through legislative approval.

The bill was approved 22-16 during the Senate’s session on Thursday, Dec. 10. It moves to the Michigan House of Representatives for further approval, which is scheduled to meet next week for its last three days of lame duck.

Should the Republican-led House approve the bill, it would move to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for signing. Enactment is unlikely, as Whitmer has leaned on Gordon’s public health orders to limit public gatherings in an effort to prevent disease spread.

The bill would be retroactive, meaning that if signed, Gordon’s orders would cease immediately.

Democratic senators tried to amend Senate Bill 1253 prior to the vote, leading to heated partisan debate on the Senate floor. Senate Minority Leader Jim Ananich, D-Flint, called the bill an “unconstitutional legislative veto.”

“Our constitution is clear: All legislation must be by bill,” he said. “It must be presented to the Governor to be signed into law. Instead, this bill would allow legislators to exercise authority reserved for the executive branch.

Theis said the Michigan Supreme Court “couldn’t have been more clear” when they removed Whitmer’s emergency powers, adding that the court ordered Whitmer and the legislature to work together.

The amendment was shot down, as well as one by Sen. Winnie Brinks, D-Grand Rapids, that would have codified a mask mandate.

“It would require face masks indoors, outdoors where distancing is impossible, while using public transit or rideshare services,” she said. “This change will ensure we listen to our best scientists & better protect Michiganders.”

In response to criticisms of Republican opposition to COVID-19 legislation, Sen. Ed McBroom, R-Vulcan, blasted his Democratic peers and Whitmer for allowing the governor’s to go it alone in fighting the pandemic and “refusing to involve” the legislature in the process.
“The legislature has a constitutional obligation to pass laws in regards to the health and welfare of the people of this state,” he said. “I wish (Democrats) would also see that the powers of the state are vested into a House and a Senate. Powers that we have to pass legislation that have been thoroughly abrogated by the current administration. Appallingly abrogated. The very problem that this legislation seeks to address is that abrogation, that emasculation, that neutering that has happened to the legislature.”
Sen. Curtis Hertel, D-East Lansing, quipped that any “neutering” was done by Republicans to themselves.
“All I’ve heard for the last months is opposition,” he said.
Since the Supreme Court ruled that Whitmer could not indefinitely extend her emergency powers in October, Gordon has issued similar orders, including the current partial shutdown recently extended to Dec. 20. The order temporarily bans in-person learning at high schools, indoor service at restaurants and bars, group fitness classes, organized sports, theatres, bowling alleys, casinos and other indoor activities.
Gordon’s actions differ in legal basis, as they come from MCL Section 333.2253 (1), which states that if Gordon determines “that control of an epidemic is necessary to protect the public health, the director by emergency order may prohibit the gathering of people for any purpose and may establish procedures to be followed during the epidemic to insure continuation of essential public health services and enforcement of health laws.”

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